Thursday, October 25, 2007

implementing a Remote Interface - RMI

implementing a Remote Interface

This section discusses the task of implementing a class for the compute engine. In general, a class that implements a remote interface should at least do the following:

* Declare the remote interfaces being implemented
* Define the constructor for each remote object
* Provide an implementation for each remote method in the remote interfaces

An RMI server program needs to create the initial remote objects and export them to the RMI runtime, which makes them available to receive incoming remote invocations. This setup procedure can be either encapsulated in a method of the remote object implementation class itself or included in another class entirely. The setup procedure should do the following:

* Create and install a security manager
* Create and export one or more remote objects
* Register at least one remote object with the RMI registry (or with another naming service, such as a service accessible through the Java Naming and Directory Interface) for bootstrapping purposes

The complete implementation of the compute engine follows. The engine.ComputeEngine class implements the remote interface Compute and also includes the main method for setting up the compute engine. Here is the source code for the ComputeEngine class:

package engine;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import compute.Compute;
import compute.Task;

public class ComputeEngine implements Compute {

public ComputeEngine() {

public T executeTask(Task t) {
return t.execute();

public static void main(String[] args) {
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
try {
String name = "Compute";
Compute engine = new ComputeEngine();
Compute stub =
(Compute) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(engine, 0);
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry();
registry.rebind(name, stub);
System.out.println("ComputeEngine bound");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("ComputeEngine exception:");

The following sections discuss each component of the compute engine implementation.

Declaring the Remote Interfaces Being Implemented

The implementation class for the compute engine is declared as follows:

public class ComputeEngine implements Compute

This declaration states that the class implements the Compute remote interface and therefore can be used for a remote object.

The ComputeEngine class defines a remote object implementation class that implements a single remote interface and no other interfaces. The ComputeEngine class also contains two executable program elements that can only be invoked locally. The first of these elements is a constructor for ComputeEngine instances. The second of these elements is a main method that is used to create a ComputeEngine instance and make it available to clients.

Defining the Constructor for the Remote Object

The ComputeEngine class has a single constructor that takes no arguments. The code for the constructor is as follows:

public ComputeEngine() {

This constructor just invokes the superclass constructor, which is the no-argument constructor of the Object class. Although the superclass constructor gets invoked even if omitted from the ComputeEngine constructor, it is included for clarity.

Providing Implementations for Each Remote Method

The class for a remote object provides implementations for each remote method specified in the remote interfaces. The Compute interface contains a single remote method, executeTask, which is implemented as follows:

public T executeTask(Task t) {
return t.execute();

This method implements the protocol between the ComputeEngine remote object and its clients. Each client provides the ComputeEngine with a Task object that has a particular implementation of the Task interface's execute method. The ComputeEngine executes each client's task and returns the result of the task's execute method directly to the client.
Passing Objects in RMI

Arguments to or return values from remote methods can be of almost any type, including local objects, remote objects, and primitive data types. More precisely, any entity of any type can be passed to or from a remote method as long as the entity is an instance of a type that is a primitive data type, a remote object, or a serializable object, which means that it implements the interface

Some object types do not meet any of these criteria and thus cannot be passed to or returned from a remote method. Most of these objects, such as threads or file descriptors, encapsulate information that makes sense only within a single address space. Many of the core classes, including the classes in the packages java.lang and java.util, implement the Serializable interface.

The rules governing how arguments and return values are passed are as follows:

* Remote objects are essentially passed by reference. A remote object reference is a stub, which is a client-side proxy that implements the complete set of remote interfaces that the remote object implements.
* Local objects are passed by copy, using object serialization. By default, all fields are copied except fields that are marked static or transient. Default serialization behavior can be overridden on a class-by-class basis.

Passing a remote object by reference means that any changes made to the state of the object by remote method invocations are reflected in the original remote object. When a remote object is passed, only those interfaces that are remote interfaces are available to the receiver. Any methods defined in the implementation class or defined in non-remote interfaces implemented by the class are not available to that receiver.

For example, if you were to pass a reference to an instance of the ComputeEngine class, the receiver would have access only to the compute engine's executeTask method. That receiver would not see the ComputeEngine constructor, its main method, or its implementation of any methods of java.lang.Object.

In the parameters and return values of remote method invocations, objects that are not remote objects are passed by value. Thus, a copy of the object is created in the receiving Java virtual machine. Any changes to the object's state by the receiver are reflected only in the receiver's copy, not in the sender's original instance. Any changes to the object's state by the sender are reflected only in the sender's original instance, not in the receiver's copy.

Implementing the Server's main Method

The most complex method of the ComputeEngine implementation is the main method. The main method is used to start the ComputeEngine and therefore needs to do the necessary initialization and housekeeping to prepare the server to accept calls from clients. This method is not a remote method, which means that it cannot be invoked from a different Java virtual machine. Because the main method is declared static, the method is not associated with an object at all but rather with the class ComputeEngine.

Creating and Installing a Security Manager

The main method's first task is to create and install a security manager, which protects access to system resources from untrusted downloaded code running within the Java virtual machine. A security manager determines whether downloaded code has access to the local file system or can perform any other privileged operations.

If an RMI program does not install a security manager, RMI will not download classes (other than from the local class path) for objects received as arguments or return values of remote method invocations. This restriction ensures that the operations performed by downloaded code are subject to a security policy.

Here's the code that creates and installs a security manager:

if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());

Making the Remote Object Available to Clients

Next, the main method creates an instance of ComputeEngine and exports it to the RMI runtime with the following statements:

Compute engine = new ComputeEngine();
Compute stub =
(Compute) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(engine, 0);

The static UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject method exports the supplied remote object so that it can receive invocations of its remote methods from remote clients. The second argument, an int, specifies which TCP port to use to listen for incoming remote invocation requests for the object. It is common to use the value zero, which specifies the use of an anonymous port. The actual port will then be chosen at runtime by RMI or the underlying operating system. However, a non-zero value can also be used to specify a specific port to use for listening. Once the exportObject invocation has returned successfully, the ComputeEngine remote object is ready to process incoming remote invocations.

The exportObject method returns a stub for the exported remote object. Note that the type of the variable stub must be Compute, not ComputeEngine, because the stub for a remote object only implements the remote interfaces that the exported remote object implements.

The exportObject method declares that it can throw a RemoteException, which is a checked exception type. The main method handles this exception with its try/catch block. If the exception were not handled in this way, RemoteException would have to be declared in the throws clause of the main method. An attempt to export a remote object can throw a RemoteException if the necessary communication resources are not available, such as if the requested port is bound for some other purpose.

Before a client can invoke a method on a remote object, it must first obtain a reference to the remote object. Obtaining a reference can be done in the same way that any other object reference is obtained in a program, such as by getting the reference as part of the return value of a method or as part of a data structure that contains such a reference.

The system provides a particular type of remote object, the RMI registry, for finding references to other remote objects. The RMI registry is a simple remote object naming service that enables clients to obtain a reference to a remote object by name. The registry is typically only used to locate the first remote object that an RMI client needs to use. That first remote object might then provide support for finding other objects.

The java.rmi.registry.Registry remote interface is the API for binding (or registering) and looking up remote objects in the registry. The java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry class provides static methods for synthesizing a remote reference to a registry at a particular network address (host and port). These methods create the remote reference object containing the specified network address without performing any remote communication. LocateRegistry also provides static methods for creating a new registry in the current Java virtual machine, although this example does not use those methods. Once a remote object is registered with an RMI registry on the local host, clients on any host can look up the remote object by name, obtain its reference, and then invoke remote methods on the object. The registry can be shared by all servers running on a host, or an individual server process can create and use its own registry.

The ComputeEngine class creates a name for the object with the following statement:

String name = "Compute";

The code then adds the name to the RMI registry running on the server. This step is done later with the following statements:

Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry();
registry.rebind(name, stub);

This rebind invocation makes a remote call to the RMI registry on the local host. Like any remote call, this call can result in a RemoteException being thrown, which is handled by the catch block at the end of the main method.

Note the following about the Registry.rebind invocation:

* The no-argument overload of LocateRegistry.getRegistry synthesizes a reference to a registry on the local host and on the default registry port, 1099. You must use an overload that has an int parameter if the registry is created on a port other than 1099.
* When a remote invocation on the registry is made, a stub for the remote object is passed instead of a copy of the remote object itself. Remote implementation objects, such as instances of ComputeEngine, never leave the Java virtual machine in which they were created. Thus, when a client performs a lookup in a server's remote object registry, a copy of the stub is returned. Remote objects in such cases are thus effectively passed by (remote) reference rather than by value.
* For security reasons, an application can only bind, unbind, or rebind remote object references with a registry running on the same host. This restriction prevents a remote client from removing or overwriting any of the entries in a server's registry. A lookup, however, can be requested from any host, local or remote.

Once the server has registered with the local RMI registry, it prints a message indicating that it is ready to start handling calls. Then, the main method completes. It is not necessary to have a thread wait to keep the server alive. As long as there is a reference to the ComputeEngine object in another Java virtual machine, local or remote, the ComputeEngine object will not be shut down or garbage collected. Because the program binds a reference to the ComputeEngine in the registry, it is reachable from a remote client, the registry itself. The RMI system keeps the ComputeEngine's process running. The ComputeEngine is available to accept calls and won't be reclaimed until its binding is removed from the registry and no remote clients hold a remote reference to the ComputeEngine object.

The final piece of code in the ComputeEngine.main method handles any exception that might arise. The only checked exception type that could be thrown in the code is RemoteException, either by the UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject invocation or by the registry rebind invocation. In either case, the program cannot do much more than exit after printing an error message. In some distributed applications, recovering from the failure to make a remote invocation is possible. For example, the application could attempt to retry the operation or choose another server to continue the operation.

Writing an RMI Server

Writing an RMI Server

The compute engine server accepts tasks from clients, runs the tasks, and returns any results. The server code consists of an interface and a class. The interface defines the methods that can be invoked from the client. Essentially, the interface defines the client's view of the remote object. The class provides the implementation.

Designing a Remote Interface

This section explains the Compute interface, which provides the connection between the client and the server. You will also learn about the RMI API, which supports this communication.

Implementing a Remote Interface

This section explores the class that implements the Compute interface, thereby implementing a remote object. This class also provides the rest of the code that makes up the server program, including a main method that creates an instance of the remote object, registers it with the RMI registry, and sets up a security manager.

Java RMI

The Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) system allows an object running in one Java virtual machine to invoke methods on an object running in another Java virtual machine. RMI provides for remote communication between programs written in the Java programming language.

Note: If you are connecting to an existing IDL program, you should use Java IDL rather than RMI.

This trail provides a brief overview of the RMI system and then walks through a complete client/server example that uses RMI's unique capabilities to load and to execute user-defined tasks at runtime. The server in the example implements a generic compute engine, which the client uses to compute the value of .

An Overview of RMI Applications

RMI applications often comprise two separate programs, a server and a client. A typical server program creates some remote objects, makes references to these objects accessible, and waits for clients to invoke methods on these objects. A typical client program obtains a remote reference to one or more remote objects on a server and then invokes methods on them. RMI provides the mechanism by which the server and the client communicate and pass information back and forth. Such an application is sometimes referred to as a distributed object application.

Distributed object applications need to do the following:

* Locate remote objects. Applications can use various mechanisms to obtain references to remote objects. For example, an application can register its remote objects with RMI's simple naming facility, the RMI registry. Alternatively, an application can pass and return remote object references as part of other remote invocations.
* Communicate with remote objects. Details of communication between remote objects are handled by RMI. To the programmer, remote communication looks similar to regular Java method invocations.
* Load class definitions for objects that are passed around. Because RMI enables objects to be passed back and forth, it provides mechanisms for loading an object's class definitions as well as for transmitting an object's data.

The following illustration depicts an RMI distributed application that uses the RMI registry to obtain a reference to a remote object. The server calls the registry to associate (or bind) a name with a remote object. The client looks up the remote object by its name in the server's registry and then invokes a method on it. The illustration also shows that the RMI system uses an existing web server to load class definitions, from server to client and from client to server, for objects when needed.

Advantages of Dynamic Code Loading

One of the central and unique features of RMI is its ability to download the definition of an object's class if the class is not defined in the receiver's Java virtual machine. All of the types and behavior of an object, previously available only in a single Java virtual machine, can be transmitted to another, possibly remote, Java virtual machine. RMI passes objects by their actual classes, so the behavior of the objects is not changed when they are sent to another Java virtual machine. This capability enables new types and behaviors to be introduced into a remote Java virtual machine, thus dynamically extending the behavior of an application. The compute engine example in this trail uses this capability to introduce new behavior to a distributed program.

Remote Interfaces, Objects, and Methods

Like any other Java application, a distributed application built by using Java RMI is made up of interfaces and classes. The interfaces declare methods. The classes implement the methods declared in the interfaces and, perhaps, declare additional methods as well. In a distributed application, some implementations might reside in some Java virtual machines but not others. Objects with methods that can be invoked across Java virtual machines are called remote objects.

An object becomes remote by implementing a remote interface, which has the following characteristics:

* A remote interface extends the interface java.rmi.Remote.
* Each method of the interface declares java.rmi.RemoteException in its throws clause, in addition to any application-specific exceptions.

RMI treats a remote object differently from a non-remote object when the object is passed from one Java virtual machine to another Java virtual machine. Rather than making a copy of the implementation object in the receiving Java virtual machine, RMI passes a remote stub for a remote object. The stub acts as the local representative, or proxy, for the remote object and basically is, to the client, the remote reference. The client invokes a method on the local stub, which is responsible for carrying out the method invocation on the remote object.

A stub for a remote object implements the same set of remote interfaces that the remote object implements. This property enables a stub to be cast to any of the interfaces that the remote object implements. However, only those methods defined in a remote interface are available to be called from the receiving Java virtual machine.

Creating Distributed Applications by Using RMI

Using RMI to develop a distributed application involves these general steps:

1. Designing and implementing the components of your distributed application.
2. Compiling sources.
3. Making classes network accessible.
4. Starting the application.

Designing and Implementing the Application Components

First, determine your application architecture, including which components are local objects and which components are remotely accessible. This step includes:

* Defining the remote interfaces. A remote interface specifies the methods that can be invoked remotely by a client. Clients program to remote interfaces, not to the implementation classes of those interfaces. The design of such interfaces includes the determination of the types of objects that will be used as the parameters and return values for these methods. If any of these interfaces or classes do not yet exist, you need to define them as well.
* Implementing the remote objects. Remote objects must implement one or more remote interfaces. The remote object class may include implementations of other interfaces and methods that are available only locally. If any local classes are to be used for parameters or return values of any of these methods, they must be implemented as well.
* Implementing the clients. Clients that use remote objects can be implemented at any time after the remote interfaces are defined, including after the remote objects have been deployed.

Compiling Sources

As with any Java program, you use the javac compiler to compile the source files. The source files contain the declarations of the remote interfaces, their implementations, any other server classes, and the client classes.

Note: With versions prior to Java Platform, Standard Edition 5.0, an additional step was required to build stub classes, by using the rmic compiler. However, this step is no longer necessary.

Making Classes Network Accessible

In this step, you make certain class definitions network accessible, such as the definitions for the remote interfaces and their associated types, and the definitions for classes that need to be downloaded to the clients or servers. Classes definitions are typically made network accessible through a web server.

Starting the Application

Starting the application includes running the RMI remote object registry, the server, and the client.

The rest of this section walks through the steps used to create a compute engine.

Building a Generic Compute Engine

This trail focuses on a simple, yet powerful, distributed application called a compute engine. The compute engine is a remote object on the server that takes tasks from clients, runs the tasks, and returns any results. The tasks are run on the machine where the server is running. This type of distributed application can enable a number of client machines to make use of a particularly powerful machine or a machine that has specialized hardware.

The novel aspect of the compute engine is that the tasks it runs do not need to be defined when the compute engine is written or started. New kinds of tasks can be created at any time and then given to the compute engine to be run. The only requirement of a task is that its class implement a particular interface. The code needed to accomplish the task can be downloaded by the RMI system to the compute engine. Then, the compute engine runs the task, using the resources on the machine on which the compute engine is running.

The ability to perform arbitrary tasks is enabled by the dynamic nature of the Java platform, which is extended to the network by RMI. RMI dynamically loads the task code into the compute engine's Java virtual machine and runs the task without prior knowledge of the class that implements the task. Such an application, which has the ability to download code dynamically, is often called a behavior-based application. Such applications usually require full agent-enabled infrastructures. With RMI, such applications are part of the basic mechanisms for distributed computing on the Java platform.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Network Interface Parameters

Network Interface Parameters

You can access network parameters about a network interface beyond the name and IP addresses assigned to it

You can discover if a network interface is “up” (that is, running) with the isUP() method. The following methods indicate the network interface type:

* isLoopback() indicates if the network interface is a loopback interface.
* isPointToPoint() indicates if the interface is a point-to-point interface.
* isVirtual() indicates if the interface is a virtual interface.

The supportsMulticast() method indicates whether the network interface supports multicasting. The getHardwareAddress() method returns the network interface's physical hardware address, usually called MAC address, when it is available. The getMTU() method returns the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU), which is the largest packet size.

The following example expands on the example in Listing Network Interface Addresses by adding the additional network parameters described on this page:

import java.util.*;
import static java.lang.System.out;

public class ListNetsEx
public static void main(String args[]) throws SocketException {
Enumeration nets = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
for (NetworkInterface netint : Collections.list(nets))

static void displayInterfaceInformation(NetworkInterface netint) throws SocketException {
out.printf("Display name: %s\n", netint.getDisplayName());
out.printf("Name: %s\n", netint.getName());
Enumeration inetAddresses = netint.getInetAddresses();

for (InetAddress inetAddress : Collections.list(inetAddresses)) {
out.printf("InetAddress: %s\n", inetAddress);

out.printf("Up? %s\n", netint.isUp());
out.printf("Loopback? %s\n", netint.isLoopback());
out.printf("PointToPoint? %s\n", netint.isPointToPoint());
out.printf("Supports multicast? %s\n", netint.supportsMulticast());
out.printf("Virtual? %s\n", netint.isVirtual());
out.printf("Hardware address: %s\n",
out.printf("MTU: %s\n", netint.getMTU());



The following is sample output from the example program:

Display name: bge0
Name: bge0
InetAddress: /fe80:0:0:0:203:baff:fef2:e99d%2
InetAddress: /
Up? true
Loopback? false
PointToPoint? false
Supports multicast? false
Virtual? false
Hardware address: [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
MTU: 1500

Display name: lo0
Name: lo0
InetAddress: /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%1
InetAddress: /
Up? true
Loopback? true
PointToPoint? false
Supports multicast? false
Virtual? false
Hardware address: null
MTU: 8232

Listing Network Interface Addresses

Listing Network Interface Addresses

One of the most useful pieces of information you can get from a network interface is the list of IP addresses that are assigned to it. You can obtain this information from a NetworkInterface instance by using one of two methods. The first method, getInetAddresses(), returns an Enumeration of InetAddress. The other method, getInterfaceAddresses(), returns a list of instances. This method is used when you need more information about an interface address beyond its IP address. For example, you might need additional information about the subnet mask and broadcast address when the address is an IPv4 address, and a network prefix length in the case of an IPv6 address.

The following example program lists all the network interfaces and their addresses on a machine:

import java.util.*;
import static java.lang.System.out;

public class ListNets
public static void main(String args[]) throws SocketException {
Enumeration nets = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
for (NetworkInterface netint : Collections.list(nets))

static void displayInterfaceInformation(NetworkInterface netint) throws SocketException {
out.printf("Display name: %s\n", netint.getDisplayName());
out.printf("Name: %s\n", netint.getName());
Enumeration inetAddresses = netint.getInetAddresses();
for (InetAddress inetAddress : Collections.list(inetAddresses)) {
out.printf("InetAddress: %s\n", inetAddress);

The following is sample output from the example program:

Display name: bge0
Name: bge0
InetAddress: /fe80:0:0:0:203:baff:fef2:e99d%2
InetAddress: /

Display name: lo0
Name: lo0
InetAddress: /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%1
InetAddress: /

Retrieving Network Interfaces

Retrieving Network Interfaces

The NetworkInterface class has no public constructor. Therefore, you cannot just create a new instance of this class with the new operator. Instead, the following static methods are available so that you can retrieve the interface details from the system: getByInetAddress(), getByName(), and getNetworkInterfaces(). The first two methods are used when you already know the IP address or the name of the particular interface. The third method, getNetworkInterfaces() returns the complete list of interfaces on the machine.

Network interfaces can be hierarchically organized. The NetworkInterface class includes two methods, getParent() and getSubInterfaces(), that are pertinent to a network interface hierarchy. The getParent() method returns the parent NetworkInterface of an interface. If a network interface is a subinterface, getParent() returns a non-null value. The getSubInterfaces() method returns all the subinterfaces of a network interface.

The following example program lists the name of all the network interfaces and subinterfaces (if any exist) on a machine.

import java.util.*;
import static java.lang.System.out;

public class ListNIFs
public static void main(String args[]) throws SocketException {
Enumeration nets = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();

for (NetworkInterface netIf : Collections.list(nets)) {
out.printf("Display name: %s\n", netIf.getDisplayName());
out.printf("Name: %s\n", netIf.getName());

static void displaySubInterfaces(NetworkInterface netIf) throws SocketException {
Enumeration subIfs = netIf.getSubInterfaces();

for (NetworkInterface subIf : Collections.list(subIfs)) {
out.printf("\tSub Interface Display name: %s\n", subIf.getDisplayName());
out.printf("\tSub Interface Name: %s\n", subIf.getName());

The following is sample output from the example program:

Display name: bge0
Name: bge0
Sub Interface Display name: bge0:3
Sub Interface Name: bge0:3
Sub Interface Display name: bge0:2
Sub Interface Name: bge0:2
Sub Interface Display name: bge0:1
Sub Interface Name: bge0:1

Display name: lo0
Name: lo0

What is Network Interface?

Programmatic Access to Network Parameters

Systems often run with multiple active network connections, such as wired Ethernet, 802.11 b/g (wireless), and bluetooth. Some applications might need to access this information to perform the particular network activity on a specific connection.

The class provides access to this information.

This lesson guides you through some of the more common uses of this class and provides examples that list all the network interfaces on a machine as well as their IP addresses and status.
What Is a Network Interface?

A network interface is the point of interconnection between a computer and a private or public network. A network interface is generally a network interface card (NIC), but does not have to have a physical form. Instead, the network interface can be implemented in software. For example, the loopback interface ( for IPv4 and ::1 for IPv6) is not a physical device but a piece of software simulating a network interface. The loopback interface is commonly used in test environments.

The class represents both types of interfaces.

NetworkInterface is useful for a multihomed system, which is a system with multiple NICs. Using NetworkInterface, you can specify which NIC to use for a particular network activity.

For example, assume you have a machine with two configured NICs, and you want to send data to a server. You create a socket like this:

Socket soc = new;
soc.connect(new InetSocketAddress(address, port));

To send the data, the system determines which interface will be used. However, if you have a preference or otherwise need to specify which NIC to use, you can query the system for the appropriate interfaces and find an address on the interface you want to use. When you create the socket and bind it to that address, the system will use the associated interface. For example:

NetworkInterface nif = NetworkInterface.getByName("bge0");
Enumeration nifAddresses = nif.getInetAddresses();

Socket soc = new;
soc.connect(new InetSocketAddress(address, port));

You can also use NetworkInterface to identify the local interface on which a multicast group is to be joined. For example:

NetworkInterface nif = NetworkInterface.getByName("bge0");

MulticastSocket() ms = new MulticastSocket();
ms.joinGroup(new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port) , nif);

NetworkInterface can be used with Java APIs in many other ways beyond the two uses described here.